Cannabis is scientifically proven to be an extremely powerful treatment for a wide array of canine and human health issues without any side effects. 82.2% of dog owners reported that hemp products HELPED RELIEVE ANXIETY either moderately or a great deal.
Let’s be clear - I am not suggesting to get your dog stoned! Marijuana is what gets you high and marijuana is the name for forms of cannabis with a high level of psychoactive compounds THC. Hemp is another form of the plant cannabis. It has no psychoactive components but high levels of a cannabinoid called Cannabidiol CBD. CBD is the most important compound for the therapeutic potential in medical cannabis. Learn more about the misconception of hemp further down in “Traditional use of cannabis”.

For what can it help?
The list of conditions CBD seems to help is exploding: Anxiety, Aging and Mental Function, Arthritis, Autoimmune Disorder, Bone Health, Cancer, Colitis, Diabetes, Free Radicals, Glaucoma, Infections, Inflammation, Obesity, OCD, Pain, Seizures, Skin Conditions, Vomiting and other conditions. Fifty plus years of medical research on cannabinoids have produced thousands of studies, revealing dozens of health applications in animals and humans. There are multiple cannabinoids in hemp that can potentially provide therapeutic benefit for dogs including CBD, CBG, CBC and BCP
How can one plant have so many healing properties?
In the 1960’s researcher found a system of specialized receptors in the brain and in the peripheral nervous system of all vertebras which is reacting on cannabinoids - the Endocannabinoid System. It is evolutionary ancient, a master regulator which modulates every other neurotransmitter. The plant based cannabinoids are so identical to the body ones that they can interact with the receptors. Since these receptors are almost everywhere in the body to find, this explains the reason why cannabis can effect so many body systems.

Traditional use of cannabis
Cannabis has been grown for thousands of years for rope, fabric, oils, food, for its psychoactive effects for religious purpose and most significantly for medical purpose. There is evidence of its use for as long as 5000 BCE in China, but also in India and the old Greeks 512 CE. By the med 1600 in America cannabis and hemp was an important part of the economy of the New World. But in the 1970s, President Nixon declared a “War on Drugs” and signed into law the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. In the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana was grouped with all types of cannabis and was made illegal to grow in the US. This, unfortunately, classified hemp as a drug even though it doesn’t include any of the chemicals that make marijuana a drug.
How can I choose a product for my dog?
Hemp extracts are not created equal and several components make a huge difference when it comes to ensuring that the product not only contains activated cannabinoids but also delivers them into the dogs system. Make sure the hemp does not come from China, otherwise your getting additional radiation and toxins! Use preferred organic European or US produced hemp. The extragtion method is important - “Full spectrum” , whole plant carbon dioxide extraction. CO2 this is widely considered the most effective and safest plant extraction method in the word. Make sure the product is screened for cannabinoid levels and toxins. Than your good to go!
How can I give the CBD to my dog?
The best way to apply is to use an oral mucosal delivery like in hemp oil and directly give it in the dogs mouth. You can get oil with added peanut butter flavor or simply put little peanut butter on your hand, add the CBD oil and let your dog lick - Yummy! This delivery allows for 10-15times the bio-bio-availability of digested products.
CBD creates an mental and physical environment in which you can address unwanted behavior like anxiety and reactivity with training more effective than without. CBD is lowering the threshold in which a dog is reacting to triggers, helps the dog to calm down faster and therefore is a powerful aid for training with fearful and reactive dog. It is a wonderful powerful addition to training but it can’t replace it!